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Juventus Women
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National Division Championship - 1928/29
109/30/1928Reggiana - Juventus2 - 2CombiBertoli10' sp1 - 1
209/30/1928Reggiana - Juventus2 - 2CombiMistrali30' sp2 - 1
311/01/1928Genova - Juventus3 - 3CombiBodini E.15' fp1 - 1
411/01/1928Genova - Juventus3 - 3CombiBodini E.14' sp2 - 2
511/01/1928Genova - Juventus3 - 3CombiBodini E.25' sp3 - 2
612/09/1928Juventus - Brescia0 - 1CombiFrisoni I38' sp0 - 1
712/16/1928Pro Vercelli - Juventus3 - 4CombiSeccatore1' fp1 - 0
812/16/1928Pro Vercelli - Juventus3 - 4CombiVilla36' fp2 - 1
912/16/1928Pro Vercelli - Juventus3 - 4CombiSeccatore15' sp3 - 1
1012/23/1928Juventus - Napoli3 - 1CombiPampaloni35' fp2 - 1
1101/06/1929Biellese - Juventus1 - 3CombiVaralda G.41' sp1 - 3
1201/20/1929Lazio - Juventus1 - 2CombiSpivach13' fp1 - 1
1303/31/1929Fiumana - Juventus1 - 3CombiFroglia36' fp1 - 2
1404/14/1929Juventus - Bologna1 - 1CombiSchiavio35' fp0 - 1
1504/21/1929Ambrosiana - Juventus4 - 2CombiMeazza9' fp1 - 0
1604/21/1929Ambrosiana - Juventus4 - 2CombiConti14' fp2 - 0
1704/21/1929Ambrosiana - Juventus4 - 2CombiMeazza33' fp3 - 0
1804/21/1929Ambrosiana - Juventus4 - 2CombiRivolta27' sp4 - 1
1905/05/1929Brescia - Juventus1 - 1CombiProsperi III15' fp1 - 0
2005/12/1929Juventus - Pro Vercelli1 - 3CombiZanello penalty7' sp1 - 1
2105/12/1929Juventus - Pro Vercelli1 - 3CombiBajardi I39' sp1 - 2
2205/12/1929Juventus - Pro Vercelli1 - 3CombiCasalino41' sp1 - 3
2305/19/1929Napoli - Juventus1 - 0CombiBuscaglia C.13' sp1 - 0
2406/02/1929Venezia - Juventus1 - 1CombiZiroli penalty25' sp1 - 1
2506/09/1929Juventus - Lazio0 - 1CombiVaccari22' sp0 - 1
Show Rows 1-25 of 25 Page 1 of 1