Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2024/25 Search Players 2024/25
Goals Allowed
Overall - 1933/34
1SerA09/10/1933Juventus - Livorno4 - 1CombiBusoni23' sp3 - 1
2SerA09/17/1933Alessandria - Juventus2 - 1CombiRiccardi G.11' fp1 - 0
3SerA09/17/1933Alessandria - Juventus2 - 1CombiCattaneo R.30' sp2 - 1
4SerA09/24/1933Juventus - Casale6 - 1CombiCornara4' fp0 - 1
5SerA10/01/1933Roma - Juventus2 - 3CombiGuaita2' fp1 - 0
6SerA10/01/1933Roma - Juventus2 - 3CombiScopelli41' fp2 - 1
7SerA10/29/1933Juventus - Triestina1 - 1CombiPalumbo1' sp1 - 1
8SerA11/01/1933Napoli - Juventus2 - 0CombiVojak I penalty26' fp1 - 0
9SerA11/01/1933Napoli - Juventus2 - 0CombiBuscaglia C.16' sp2 - 0
10SerA11/12/1933Ambrosiana Inter - Juventus3 - 2CombiMeazza2' sp1 - 0
11SerA11/12/1933Ambrosiana Inter - Juventus3 - 2CombiFrione II16' sp2 - 1
12SerA11/12/1933Ambrosiana Inter - Juventus3 - 2CombiLevratto40' sp3 - 2
13SerA11/19/1933Juventus - Genova8 - 1CombiPatri12' fp1 - 1
14SerA11/26/1933Juventus - Brescia5 - 1CombiPerini44' fp1 - 1
15SerA12/10/1933Milan - Juventus3 - 1CombiMoretti G.1' fp1 - 0
16SerA12/10/1933Milan - Juventus3 - 1CombiCaligaris own goal15' sp2 - 1
17SerA12/10/1933Milan - Juventus3 - 1CombiMoretti G.29' sp3 - 1
18SerA12/21/1933Bologna - Juventus2 - 2CombiMontesanto22' sp1 - 2
19SerA12/21/1933Bologna - Juventus2 - 2CombiFedullo35' sp2 - 2
20SerA12/24/1933Juventus - Lazio2 - 2CombiFantoni III5' fp0 - 1
21SerA12/24/1933Juventus - Lazio2 - 2CombiFantoni III39' sp2 - 2
22SerA12/31/1933Padova - Juventus1 - 2CombiBusini III20' fp1 - 0
23SerA01/21/1934Juventus - Alessandria3 - 1CombiCattaneo R.35' sp3 - 1
24SerA02/04/1934Juventus - Roma3 - 1CombiScopelli2' sp2 - 1
25SerA02/18/1934Torino - Juventus1 - 2ValinassoBo19' sp1 - 1
Show Rows 1-25 of 39 Page 1 of 2