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Serie A - 1939/40
109/24/1939Juventus - Roma1 - 1AmorettiCoscia19' fp1 - 1
210/22/1939Juventus - Fiorentina3 - 2AmorettiMorselli A.2' fp1 - 1
310/22/1939Juventus - Fiorentina3 - 2AmorettiTagliasacchi21' sp2 - 2
411/05/1939Juventus - Milano2 - 2AmorettiPasinati23' fp1 - 1
511/05/1939Juventus - Milano2 - 2AmorettiBoffi36' fp2 - 2
612/17/1939Juventus - Bari6 - 2BodoiraDugini10' sp3 - 1
712/17/1939Juventus - Bari6 - 2BodoiraCappellini36' sp4 - 2
802/04/1940Juventus - Triestina2 - 6BodoiraTrevisan G.32' fp0 - 1
902/04/1940Juventus - Triestina2 - 6BodoiraTosolini35' fp0 - 2
1002/04/1940Juventus - Triestina2 - 6BodoiraGrezar penalty44' fp0 - 3
1102/04/1940Juventus - Triestina2 - 6BodoiraTrevisan G.35' sp2 - 4
1202/04/1940Juventus - Triestina2 - 6BodoiraGrezar42' sp2 - 5
1302/04/1940Juventus - Triestina2 - 6BodoiraValcareggi45' sp2 - 6
1402/18/1940Juventus - Torino1 - 1BodoiraMichelini D.14' fp0 - 1
1503/10/1940Juventus - Genova3 - 1BodoiraArcari IV45' sp3 - 1
1603/24/1940Juventus - Lazio3 - 1BodoiraBarrera9' sp2 - 1
1705/26/1940Juventus - Napoli2 - 1BodoiraRomagnoli I.31' fp1 - 1
Show Rows 1-17 of 17 Page 1 of 1