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Serie A - 1973/74
111/25/1973Milan - Juventus2 - 2AnastasiVecchi43' fp1 - 1
211/25/1973Milan - Juventus2 - 2AnastasiVecchi32' sp1 - 2
312/09/1973Torino - Juventus0 - 1CuccuredduCastellini29' sp0 - 1
412/23/1973Cagliari - Juventus2 - 1AltafiniAlbertosi5' sp1 - 1
512/30/1973Sampdoria - Juventus1 - 2AltafiniCacciatori Mas.25' fp1 - 1
612/30/1973Sampdoria - Juventus1 - 2AltafiniCacciatori Mas.18' sp1 - 2
702/17/1974Lazio - Juventus3 - 1Anastasi penaltyPulici F.10' sp2 - 1
803/10/1974Genoa - Juventus0 - 1CuccuredduSpalazzi12' fp0 - 1
904/07/1974Cesena - Juventus0 - 2AnastasiBoranga6' fp0 - 1
1004/07/1974Cesena - Juventus0 - 2AltafiniBoranga24' sp0 - 2
1104/28/1974Inter - Juventus0 - 2Bettega R.Bordon I.32' fp0 - 1
1204/28/1974Inter - Juventus0 - 2Bettega R.Bordon I.9' sp0 - 2
1305/05/1974Roma - Juventus3 - 2AnastasiConti P.16' fp1 - 1
1405/05/1974Roma - Juventus3 - 2AnastasiConti P.7' sp2 - 2
1505/19/1974LR Vicenza - Juventus0 - 3AnastasiSulfaro1' fp0 - 1
1605/19/1974LR Vicenza - Juventus0 - 3AnastasiSulfaro8' fp0 - 2
1705/19/1974LR Vicenza - Juventus0 - 3AnastasiSulfaro38' fp0 - 3
Show Rows 1-17 of 17 Page 1 of 1