Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
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Summary table
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Goals Scored
Overall - 1997/98
1CI09/04/1997Brescello - Juventus1 - 1Conte A.Di Sarno11' sp1 - 1
2SerA09/27/1997Sampdoria - Juventus1 - 1InzaghiFerron47' sp1 - 1
3UCL10/01/1997Manchester United (ING) - Juventus3 - 2Del PieroSchmeichel1' fp0 - 1
4UCL10/01/1997Manchester United (ING) - Juventus3 - 2ZidaneSchmeichel46' sp3 - 2
5SerA10/19/1997Bari - Juventus0 - 5Ingesson own goalMancini F.47' fp0 - 1
6SerA10/19/1997Bari - Juventus0 - 5ZidaneMancini F.18' sp0 - 2
7SerA10/19/1997Bari - Juventus0 - 5ZidaneMancini F.36' sp0 - 3
8SerA10/19/1997Bari - Juventus0 - 5Del PieroMancini F.43' sp0 - 4
9SerA10/19/1997Bari - Juventus0 - 5Garzya own goalMancini F.45' sp0 - 5
10UCL10/22/1997Košice (SLV) - Juventus0 - 1Del PieroMolnár34' fp0 - 1
11SerA11/09/1997Napoli - Juventus1 - 2ZidaneTaglialatela38' fp0 - 1
12SerA11/09/1997Napoli - Juventus1 - 2FonsecaTaglialatela43' sp1 - 2
13CI11/19/1997Lecce - Juventus0 - 1BirindelliLorieri F.26' fp0 - 1
14SerA11/30/1997Milan - Juventus1 - 1InzaghiTaibi32' fp1 - 1
15SerA12/14/1997Piacenza - Juventus1 - 1FonsecaSereni33' sp0 - 1
16CI01/07/1998Fiorentina - Juventus2 - 2InzaghiToldo19' sp2 - 1
17CI01/07/1998Fiorentina - Juventus2 - 2ZidaneToldo28' sp2 - 2
18SerA01/18/1998Bologna - Juventus1 - 3InzaghiSterchele10' fp0 - 1
19SerA01/18/1998Bologna - Juventus1 - 3InzaghiSterchele20' fp0 - 2
20SerA01/18/1998Bologna - Juventus1 - 3Del PieroSterchele15' sp0 - 3
21SerA02/01/1998Lecce - Juventus0 - 2IulianoLorieri F.47' fp0 - 1
22SerA02/01/1998Lecce - Juventus0 - 2Del PieroLorieri F.44' sp0 - 2
23SerA02/11/1998Brescia - Juventus1 - 1InzaghiCervone7' sp0 - 1
24SerA03/08/1998Udinese - Juventus1 - 1Del PieroTurci44' sp1 - 1
25CI03/11/1998Lazio - Juventus2 - 2FonsecaMarchegiani L.36' fp0 - 1
Show Rows 1-25 of 37 Page 1 of 2