Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
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Summary table
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Goals Scored
Overall - 2021/22
1SerA08/22/2021Udinese - Juventus2 - 2DybalaSilvestri3' fp0 - 1
2SerA08/22/2021Udinese - Juventus2 - 2CuadradoSilvestri23' fp0 - 2
3SerA09/11/2021Napoli - Juventus2 - 1MorataOspina10' fp0 - 1
4UCL09/14/2021Malmö (SVE) - Juventus0 - 3Alex SandroDiawara23' fp0 - 1
5UCL09/14/2021Malmö (SVE) - Juventus0 - 3Dybala penaltyDiawara45' fp0 - 2
6UCL09/14/2021Malmö (SVE) - Juventus0 - 3MorataDiawara46' fp0 - 3
7SerA09/19/2021Juventus - Milan1 - 1MorataMaignan4' fp1 - 0
8SerA09/22/2021Spezia - Juventus2 - 3KeanZoet28' fp0 - 1
9SerA09/22/2021Spezia - Juventus2 - 3ChiesaZoet21' sp2 - 2
10SerA09/22/2021Spezia - Juventus2 - 3de LigtZoet27' sp2 - 3
11SerA09/26/2021Juventus - Sampdoria3 - 2DybalaAudero10' fp1 - 0
12SerA09/26/2021Juventus - Sampdoria3 - 2Bonucci penaltyAudero43' fp2 - 0
13SerA09/26/2021Juventus - Sampdoria3 - 2Locatelli M.Audero12' sp3 - 1
14UCL09/29/2021Juventus - Chelsea (ING)1 - 0ChiesaMendy1' sp1 - 0
15SerA10/02/2021Torino - Juventus0 - 1Locatelli M.Milinković-Savić V.41' sp0 - 1
16SerA10/17/2021Juventus - Roma1 - 0KeanPatrício16' fp1 - 0
17UCL10/20/2021Zenit FC (RUS) - Juventus0 - 1KulusevskiKritsyuk41' sp0 - 1
18SerA10/24/2021Inter - Juventus1 - 1Dybala penaltyHandanovič44' sp1 - 1
19SerA10/27/2021Juventus - Sassuolo1 - 2McKennieConsigli31' sp1 - 1
20SerA10/30/2021Hellas Verona - Juventus2 - 1McKennieMontipò35' sp2 - 1
21UCL11/02/2021Juventus - Zenit FC (RUS)4 - 2DybalaKritsyuk11' fp1 - 0
22UCL11/02/2021Juventus - Zenit FC (RUS)4 - 2Dybala penaltyKritsyuk13' sp2 - 1
23UCL11/02/2021Juventus - Zenit FC (RUS)4 - 2ChiesaKritsyuk28' sp3 - 1
24UCL11/02/2021Juventus - Zenit FC (RUS)4 - 2MorataKritsyuk37' sp4 - 1
25SerA11/06/2021Juventus - Fiorentina1 - 0CuadradoTerracciano46' sp1 - 0
Show Rows 1-25 of 80 Page 1 of 4