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Championship - 2012/13
1SerA09/02/2012Udinese - Juventus1 - 4Vidal penaltyPadelli14' fp0 - 1
2SerA09/02/2012Udinese - Juventus1 - 4VučinićPadelli46' fp0 - 2
3SerA09/02/2012Udinese - Juventus1 - 4Giovinco S.Padelli8' sp0 - 3
4SerA09/02/2012Udinese - Juventus1 - 4Giovinco S.Padelli26' sp0 - 4
5SerA09/16/2012Genoa - Juventus1 - 3GiaccheriniFrey16' sp1 - 1
6SerA09/16/2012Genoa - Juventus1 - 3Vučinić penaltyFrey33' sp1 - 2
7SerA09/16/2012Genoa - Juventus1 - 3AsamoahFrey39' sp1 - 3
8SerA10/07/2012Siena - Juventus1 - 2PirloPegolo14' fp0 - 1
9SerA10/07/2012Siena - Juventus1 - 2Marchisio C.Pegolo39' sp1 - 2
10SerA10/28/2012Catania - Juventus0 - 1VidalAndújar12' sp0 - 1
11SerA11/10/2012Pescara - Juventus1 - 6VidalPerin9' fp0 - 1
12SerA11/10/2012Pescara - Juventus1 - 6QuagliarellaPerin22' fp0 - 2
13SerA11/10/2012Pescara - Juventus1 - 6AsamoahPerin30' fp1 - 3
14SerA11/10/2012Pescara - Juventus1 - 6Giovinco S.Perin38' fp1 - 4
15SerA11/10/2012Pescara - Juventus1 - 6QuagliarellaPerin45' fp1 - 5
16SerA11/10/2012Pescara - Juventus1 - 6QuagliarellaPerin8' sp1 - 6
17SerA12/09/2012Palermo - Juventus0 - 1LichtsteinerUjkani5' sp0 - 1
18SerA12/21/2012Cagliari - Juventus1 - 3MatriAgazzi30' sp1 - 1
19SerA12/21/2012Cagliari - Juventus1 - 3MatriAgazzi47' sp1 - 2
20SerA12/21/2012Cagliari - Juventus1 - 3VučinićAgazzi50' sp1 - 3
21SerA01/13/2013Parma - Juventus1 - 1PirloMirante7' sp0 - 1
22SerA02/03/2013Chievo Verona - Juventus1 - 2MatriPuggioni10' fp0 - 1
23SerA02/03/2013Chievo Verona - Juventus1 - 2LichtsteinerPuggioni42' fp0 - 2
24SerA03/01/2013Napoli - Juventus1 - 1ChielliniDe Sanctis10' fp0 - 1
25SerA03/16/2013Bologna - Juventus0 - 2VučinićCurci16' sp0 - 1
Show Rows 1-25 of 35 Page 1 of 2