Juventus Next Gen
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Summary table
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Goals Scored
Italian Cup
109/06/1964Alessandria - Juventus1 - 2MenichelliNobili42' fp1 - 1
209/06/1964Alessandria - Juventus1 - 2StacchiniNobili39' sp1 - 2
301/06/1965Juventus - Brescia1 - 0del SolCimpiel38' fp1 - 0
404/07/1965Lecco - Juventus0 - 2SivoriGeotti13' fet0 - 1
504/07/1965Lecco - Juventus0 - 2del SolGeotti15' set0 - 2
606/09/1965Juventus - Torino1 - 0MenichelliVieri L.8' fp1 - 0
708/29/1965Juventus - Inter1 - 0MenichelliSarti G.15' fp1 - 0
801/06/1966Spal - Juventus1 - 4TraspediniZanier17' fp0 - 1
901/06/1966Spal - Juventus1 - 4MenichelliZanier2' fet1 - 2
1001/06/1966Spal - Juventus1 - 4MenichelliZanier10' set1 - 3
1101/06/1966Spal - Juventus1 - 4LeonciniCantagallo14' set1 - 4
1202/09/1966Juventus - Catanzaro1 - 2del SolProvasi5' sp1 - 1
1309/04/1966Savona - Juventus0 - 1De PaoliFerrero5' fet0 - 1
1411/02/1966Juventus - Arezzo3 - 0ZigoniGhizzardi10' fp1 - 0
1511/02/1966Juventus - Arezzo3 - 0ZigoniGhizzardi3' sp2 - 0
1611/02/1966Juventus - Arezzo3 - 0LeonciniGhizzardi31' sp3 - 0
1703/01/1967LR Vicenza - Juventus2 - 5De PaoliGiunti2' fp0 - 1
1803/01/1967LR Vicenza - Juventus2 - 5MenichelliGiunti8' sp1 - 2
1903/01/1967LR Vicenza - Juventus2 - 5StacchiniGiunti9' fet2 - 3
2003/01/1967LR Vicenza - Juventus2 - 5MenichelliGiunti11' fet2 - 4
2103/01/1967LR Vicenza - Juventus2 - 5De PaoliGiunti6' set2 - 5
2206/04/1967Bologna - Juventus1 - 1ZigoniVavassori Giu.5' fp0 - 1
2306/07/1967Juventus - Milan1 - 2del SolBelli38' fp1 - 1
2409/15/1968Juventus - Sampdoria5 - 0SalvadoreMatteucci6' fp1 - 0
2509/15/1968Juventus - Sampdoria5 - 0BenettiMatteucci11' fp2 - 0
Show Rows 1-25 of 32 Page 1 of 2