Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
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Summary table
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Goals Scored
National Division Championship
110/17/1926Modena - Juventus1 - 1HirzerBrancolini35' sp1 - 1
211/14/1926Alba Roma - Juventus0 - 2Barale IIIRossetti30' fp0 - 1
311/14/1926Alba Roma - Juventus0 - 2MuneratiRossetti31' fp0 - 2
411/21/1926Napoli - Juventus0 - 3Vojak IPelvi45' fp0 - 1
511/21/1926Napoli - Juventus0 - 3Vojak IPelvi21' sp0 - 2
611/21/1926Napoli - Juventus0 - 3Vojak IPelvi35' sp0 - 3
712/05/1926Genoa - Juventus1 - 2MuneratiDe Prà14' fp0 - 1
812/05/1926Genoa - Juventus1 - 2HirzerDe Prà40' fp0 - 2
912/26/1926Casale - Juventus0 - 2MuneratiTimossi7' sp0 - 1
1012/26/1926Casale - Juventus0 - 2HirzerTimossi37' sp0 - 2
1103/13/1927Brescia - Juventus0 - 2MuneratiTrivellini41' fp0 - 1
1203/13/1927Brescia - Juventus0 - 2Vojak ITrivellini44' sp0 - 2
1304/10/1927Inter - Juventus2 - 1PastoreDegani14' fp0 - 1
1405/15/1927Milan - Juventus0 - 2Sport Judge0 - 1
1505/15/1927Milan - Juventus0 - 2Sport Judge0 - 2
1606/05/1927Torino - Juventus2 - 1Vojak IBosia45' fp0 - 1
1706/19/1927Genoa - Juventus2 - 3RosettaDe Prà13' fp1 - 1
1806/19/1927Genoa - Juventus2 - 3HirzerDe Prà40' fp2 - 2
1906/19/1927Genoa - Juventus2 - 3Ferrero M.De Prà25' sp2 - 3
2010/02/1927Novara - Juventus2 - 2Bonenti own goalDe Giovanni10' fp0 - 1
2110/02/1927Novara - Juventus2 - 2PoccardiDe Giovanni29' fp0 - 2
2211/27/1927Livorno - Juventus0 - 3Cevenini IIILami6' fp0 - 1
2311/27/1927Livorno - Juventus0 - 3Cevenini IIILami11' fp0 - 2
2411/27/1927Livorno - Juventus0 - 3Giraldi own goalLami17' fp0 - 3
2512/04/1927Modena - Juventus1 - 1MuneratiBrancolini22' fp0 - 1
Show Rows 1-25 of 40 Page 1 of 2