Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
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Summary table
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Goals Scored
1SI09/01/1990Napoli - Juventus5 - 1Baggio R.Galli G.39' fp2 - 1
2SerA09/09/1990Parma - Juventus1 - 2Napoli N.Taffarel24' fp0 - 1
3SerA09/09/1990Parma - Juventus1 - 2Baggio R. penaltyTaffarel17' sp0 - 2
4CI09/12/1990Taranto - Juventus2 - 1AlessioSpagnulo23' fp0 - 1
5E209/19/1990Sliven (BUL) - Juventus0 - 2SchillaciYorgov24' fp0 - 1
6E209/19/1990Sliven (BUL) - Juventus0 - 2Baggio R. penaltyYorgov44' sp0 - 2
7SerA09/23/1990Cesena - Juventus1 - 1Baggio R. penaltyFontana A.35' fp0 - 1
8SerA10/07/1990Lecce - Juventus0 - 1Di CanioZunico38' sp0 - 1
9E210/24/1990Austria Wien (AUT) - Juventus0 - 4CasiraghiWohlfahrt30' fp0 - 1
10E210/24/1990Austria Wien (AUT) - Juventus0 - 4CasiraghiWohlfahrt45' fp0 - 2
11E210/24/1990Austria Wien (AUT) - Juventus0 - 4Baggio R.Wohlfahrt4' sp0 - 3
12E210/24/1990Austria Wien (AUT) - Juventus0 - 4Schillaci penaltyWohlfahrt25' sp0 - 4
13SerA11/11/1990Bologna - Juventus0 - 1Baggio R. penaltyCusin20' sp0 - 1
14CI11/21/1990Pisa - Juventus1 - 2Argentesi own goalSimoni7' fp0 - 1
15CI11/21/1990Pisa - Juventus1 - 2Baggio R. penaltySimoni14' fp0 - 2
16SerA12/10/1990Torino - Juventus1 - 1Baggio R.Tancredi32' sp1 - 1
17SerA01/13/1991Pisa - Juventus1 - 5CasiraghiSimoni20' fp0 - 1
18SerA01/13/1991Pisa - Juventus1 - 5Baggio R.Simoni37' fp0 - 2
19SerA01/13/1991Pisa - Juventus1 - 5CasiraghiSimoni4' sp0 - 3
20SerA01/13/1991Pisa - Juventus1 - 5CasiraghiSimoni28' sp1 - 4
21SerA01/13/1991Pisa - Juventus1 - 5Baggio R.Simoni35' sp1 - 5
22CI02/07/1991Roma - Juventus1 - 1CasiraghiZinetti11' sp1 - 1
23E203/06/1991Liège FC (BEL) - Juventus1 - 3Wégria own goalMunaron33' fp0 - 1
24E203/06/1991Liège FC (BEL) - Juventus1 - 3Baggio R.Munaron43' fp0 - 2
25E203/06/1991Liège FC (BEL) - Juventus1 - 3Júlio CésarMunaron3' sp0 - 3
Show Rows 1-25 of 28 Page 1 of 2