Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
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Summary table
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Goals Scored
Serie A
108/19/2024Juventus - Como3 - 0MbangulaReina23' fp1 - 0
208/19/2024Juventus - Como3 - 0WeahReina46' fp2 - 0
308/19/2024Juventus - Como3 - 0CambiasoReina46' sp3 - 0
408/26/2024Hellas Verona - Juventus0 - 3VlahovićMontipò28' fp0 - 1
508/26/2024Hellas Verona - Juventus0 - 3SavonaMontipò39' fp0 - 2
608/26/2024Hellas Verona - Juventus0 - 3Vlahović penaltyMontipò8' sp0 - 3
709/28/2024Genoa - Juventus0 - 3Vlahović penaltyGollini3' sp0 - 1
809/28/2024Genoa - Juventus0 - 3VlahovićGollini10' sp0 - 2
909/28/2024Genoa - Juventus0 - 3ConceiçãoGollini44' sp0 - 3
1010/06/2024Juventus - Cagliari1 - 1Vlahović penaltyScuffet15' fp1 - 0
1110/19/2024Juventus - Lazio1 - 0Gila own goalProvedel40' sp1 - 0
1210/27/2024Inter - Juventus4 - 4VlahovićSommer20' fp1 - 1
1310/27/2024Inter - Juventus4 - 4WeahSommer26' fp1 - 2
1410/27/2024Inter - Juventus4 - 4YıldızSommer26' sp4 - 3
1510/27/2024Inter - Juventus4 - 4YıldızSommer37' sp4 - 4
1610/30/2024Juventus - Parma2 - 2McKennieSuzuki31' fp1 - 1
1710/30/2024Juventus - Parma2 - 2WeahSuzuki5' sp2 - 2
1811/02/2024Udinese - Juventus0 - 2Okoye own goalOkoye20' fp0 - 1
1911/02/2024Udinese - Juventus0 - 2SavonaOkoye37' fp0 - 2
2011/09/2024Juventus - Torino2 - 0WeahMilinković-Savić V.18' fp1 - 0
2111/09/2024Juventus - Torino2 - 0YıldızMilinković-Savić V.39' sp2 - 0
2212/01/2024Lecce - Juventus1 - 1CambiasoFalcone23' sp0 - 1
2312/07/2024Juventus - Bologna2 - 2KoopmeinersSkorupski17' sp1 - 2
2412/07/2024Juventus - Bologna2 - 2MbangulaSkorupski47' sp2 - 2
2512/14/2024Juventus - Venezia2 - 2Gatti F.Stanković19' fp1 - 0
Show Rows 1-25 of 45 Page 1 of 2