Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2024/25 Search Players 2024/25
Goals Allowed
Overall - 2022/23
1SerC09/09/2022Pordenone - Juventus Next Gen1 - 1SenkóPirrello15' sp1 - 0
2SerC09/17/2022Renate - Juventus Next Gen3 - 2SenkóCudrig own goal14' fp1 - 0
3SerC09/17/2022Renate - Juventus Next Gen3 - 2SenkóMarano38' fp2 - 0
4SerC09/17/2022Renate - Juventus Next Gen3 - 2SenkóMalotti penalty15' sp3 - 0
5CIC10/05/2022Lecco - Juventus Next Gen1 - 3GarofaniSangalli24' sp1 - 2
6SerC10/09/2022Piacenza - Juventus Next Gen3 - 3GarofaniMuharemović own goal14' sp1 - 1
7SerC10/09/2022Piacenza - Juventus Next Gen3 - 3GarofaniMorra18' sp2 - 1
8SerC10/09/2022Piacenza - Juventus Next Gen3 - 3GarofaniCesarini47' sp3 - 3
9SerC10/12/2022LR Vicenza - Juventus Next Gen2 - 0GarofaniFerrari25' fp1 - 0
10SerC10/12/2022LR Vicenza - Juventus Next Gen2 - 0GarofaniFerrari24' sp2 - 0
11SerC10/19/2022Lecco - Juventus Next Gen1 - 0GarofaniPinzauti penalty34' fp1 - 0
12SerC10/30/2022Albino Leffe - Juventus Next Gen1 - 1RainaCori34' fp1 - 0
13CIC11/02/2022Feralpisalò - Juventus Next Gen2 - 5RainaD'Orazio penalty33' fp1 - 2
14CIC11/02/2022Feralpisalò - Juventus Next Gen2 - 5RainaBacchetti46' fp2 - 3
15SerC11/30/2022Feralpisalò - Juventus Next Gen2 - 1RainaBalestrero23' fp1 - 0
16SerC11/30/2022Feralpisalò - Juventus Next Gen2 - 1RainaStramaccioni own goal32' sp2 - 1
17CIC12/07/2022Padova - Juventus Next Gen1 - 2RainaDe Marchi47' sp1 - 2
18SerC12/11/2022Arzignano - Juventus Next Gen2 - 1RainaBarba42' sp1 - 1
19SerC12/11/2022Arzignano - Juventus Next Gen2 - 1RainaAntoniazzi44' sp2 - 1
20SerC12/23/2022Trento - Juventus Next Gen2 - 1GarofaniDamian25' fp1 - 0
21SerC12/23/2022Trento - Juventus Next Gen2 - 1GarofaniPasquato49' sp2 - 1
22SerC01/14/2023Padova - Juventus Next Gen1 - 1RainaLiguori19' fp1 - 0
23CIC01/18/2023Foggia - Juventus Next Gen2 - 1RainaOgunseye4' fp1 - 0
24CIC01/18/2023Foggia - Juventus Next Gen2 - 1RainaOgunseye9' sp2 - 1
25SerC02/11/2023Pro Sesto - Juventus Next Gen1 - 1CrespiVaglica3' sp1 - 0
Show Rows 1-25 of 36 Page 1 of 2