Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2024/25 Search Players 2024/25
Official matches
Home; Win
1SerC09/28/2020Juventus U23 - Pro Sesto2 - 1 
2SerC11/22/2020Juventus U23 - Pistoiese3 - 2 
3SerC11/25/2020Juventus U23 - Grosseto2 - 0Match played behind closed-door for Prime Minister Decree due to the health emergency due to the Covid19 epidemic.
Match originally scheduled for 11/11/2020 and not played due to the international commitments of many Juventus players with their respective national teams.
4SerC12/02/2020Juventus U23 - Pro Patria3 - 1 
5SerC01/31/2021Juventus U23 - Giana Erminio3 - 2 
6SerC02/07/2021Juventus U23 - Livorno6 - 0 
7SerC03/03/2021Juventus U23 - Novara2 - 1 
8SerC04/25/2021Juventus U23 - Carrarese1 - 0 
9CIC09/15/2021Juventus U23 - Feralpisalò3 - 2 
10SerC09/22/2021Juventus U23 - Triestina2 - 1Match originally scheduled for 09/04/2021 and not played due to the international commitments of many Juventus players with their respective national teams.
11SerC10/17/2021Juventus U23 - Seregno2 - 1 
12SerC11/07/2021Juventus U23 - Lecco1 - 0 
13SerC11/20/2021Juventus U23 - Fiorenzuola2 - 1 
14SerC12/12/2021Juventus U23 - Trento2 - 1 
15SerC01/29/2022Juventus U23 - Feralpisalò1 - 0 
16SerC02/13/2022Juventus U23 - Mantova3 - 0 
17SerC02/17/2022Juventus U23 - Piacenza4 - 0 
18SerC02/23/2022Juventus U23 - Pro Patria1 - 0Match originally scheduled for 01/16/2022 and not disputed for cases of positivity at Covid19.
19SerC04/10/2022Juventus U23 - Renate2 - 1 
20SerC04/24/2022Juventus U23 - Legnago3 - 2 
Show Rows 1-20 of 20 Page 1 of 1