Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
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Alejandro Marqués
Matches played: Serie C - 2020/21
1SerC09/28/2020Juventus U23 - Pro Sesto2 - 180 
36' sp
  Booked foul at 31' sp
2SerC10/03/2020Giana Erminio - Juventus U231 - 288 
44' sp
3SerC10/25/2020Lucchese - Juventus U230 - 188 
44' sp
4SerC01/31/2021Juventus U23 - Giana Erminio3 - 266 
22' sp
5SerC02/07/2021Juventus U23 - Livorno6 - 090  
6SerC02/13/2021Albino Leffe - Juventus U230 - 390    Booked foul at 46' sp
7SerC03/03/2021Juventus U23 - Novara2 - 190     
8SerC03/07/2021Grosseto - Juventus U230 - 145 
1' sp
9SerC04/25/2021Juventus U23 - Carrarese1 - 058 
14' sp
  Booked foul at 23' fp
Show Rows 1-9 of 9 Page 1 of 1
Official matches
Alejandro Marqués