Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Marco Moro
Matches played: Friendlies
Substitutions In
1Amic09/09/1987Chieri - Juventus3 - 316 
30' sp
2Amic09/19/1991Novara - Juventus0 - 426 
20' sp
3Amic10/03/1991Vogherese - Juventus1 - 515 
31' sp
4Amic10/15/1991Monza - Juventus1 - 219 
27' sp
5Amic10/24/1991Alessandria - Juventus0 - 245 
1' sp
6Amic06/02/1993Reggina - Juventus0 - 323 
23' sp
7Amic08/22/1993Juventus - Juventus Primavera6 - 113 
33' sp
8Amic12/28/1993Bologna - Juventus1 - 127 
19' sp
9Amic05/07/1994Pontedera - Juventus1 - 314 
32' sp
10Amic05/12/1994Potenza - Juventus0 - 245 
1' sp
11Amic09/07/1994Livorno - Juventus1 - 41 
12Amic09/09/1994Bari - Juventus2 - 045 
1' sp
13Amic09/11/1994Venezia - Juventus0 - 21 
Show Rows 1-13 of 13 Page 1 of 1
Friendly matches
Marco Moro