Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
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Michel Platini
Goals Scored: Internationals Competitions
Second Period Goals Scored
1CdC09/29/1982Juventus - Hvidovre IF (DAN)3 - 3  YesMadsen20' sp2 - 0
2CdC03/16/1983Juventus - Aston Villa (ING)3 - 1   Spink23' sp3 - 0
3CdC04/20/1983Widzew Łódź (POL) - Juventus2 - 2Yes YesMłynarczyk37' sp2 - 2
4CdC10/03/1984Juventus - Ilves Tampere (FIN)2 - 1  YesMalinen13' sp1 - 1
5CdC10/03/1984Juventus - Ilves Tampere (FIN)2 - 1  YesMalinen20' sp2 - 1
6CdC11/07/1984Grasshoppers (SVI) - Juventus2 - 4   Brunner17' sp1 - 3
7CdC11/07/1984Grasshoppers (SVI) - Juventus2 - 4Yes  Brunner41' sp2 - 4
8CdC04/10/1985Juventus - Bordeaux (FRA)3 - 0   Dropsy17' sp3 - 0
9CdC05/29/1985Juventus - Liverpool (ING)1 - 0YesYesYesGrobbelaar13' sp1 - 0
10CInt12/08/1985Juventus - Argentinos Juniors (ARG)2 - 2Yes YesVidallé18' sp1 - 1
11CdC10/01/1986Valur Reykjavík (ISL) - Juventus0 - 4   Hreiðarsson41' sp0 - 4
Show Rows 1-11 of 11 Page 1 of 1
Official matches
Michel Platini