Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Goals Scored
Serie A
111/09/1930Alessandria - Juventus2 - 3Bertolini own goalBalossino14' sp2 - 1
211/09/1930Alessandria - Juventus2 - 3VecchinaBalossino37' sp2 - 2
311/09/1930Alessandria - Juventus2 - 3Bertolini own goalBalossino43' sp2 - 3
403/28/1932Alessandria - Juventus2 - 3MuneratiMosele15' fp1 - 1
503/28/1932Alessandria - Juventus2 - 3MuneratiMosele27' fp2 - 2
603/28/1932Alessandria - Juventus2 - 3VecchinaMosele29' sp2 - 3
709/18/1932Alessandria - Juventus3 - 2VecchinaMosele23' sp3 - 1
809/18/1932Alessandria - Juventus3 - 2Orsi penaltyMosele41' sp3 - 2
909/17/1933Alessandria - Juventus2 - 1CesariniMosele8' sp1 - 1
1005/10/1936Alessandria - Juventus3 - 2Gabetto G.Ceresa1' sp2 - 1
1105/10/1936Alessandria - Juventus3 - 2Gabetto G.Ceresa28' sp3 - 2
1209/14/1947Alessandria - Juventus1 - 3Sentimenti IIIDiamante19' fp1 - 1
1309/14/1947Alessandria - Juventus1 - 3ArpášDiamante24' sp1 - 2
1409/14/1947Alessandria - Juventus1 - 3ArpášDiamante39' sp1 - 3
1501/05/1958Alessandria - Juventus1 - 2SivoriNobili3' fp0 - 1
1601/05/1958Alessandria - Juventus1 - 2Pedroni own goalNobili35' fp0 - 2
1712/28/1958Alessandria - Juventus2 - 2NicoléCuman13' sp2 - 1
1812/28/1958Alessandria - Juventus2 - 2CorradiCuman44' sp2 - 2
1903/06/1960Alessandria - Juventus0 - 2NicoléStefani24' fp0 - 1
2003/06/1960Alessandria - Juventus0 - 2CharlesStefani7' sp0 - 2
Show Rows 1-20 of 20 Page 1 of 1