Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Serie A
109/28/1930Juventus - Pro Patria4 - 1CombiColombo Gio.32' sp3 - 1
202/28/1937Juventus - Lazio6 - 1AmorettiBusani1' sp3 - 1
303/28/1943Juventus Cisitalia - Triestina6 - 2Sentimenti IVCergoli1' sp2 - 1
403/28/1943Juventus Cisitalia - Triestina6 - 2Sentimenti IVCergoli27' sp3 - 2
503/28/1948Juventus - Torino1 - 1Sentimenti IVOssola37' fp0 - 1
610/28/1951Juventus - Udinese5 - 1Viola G.Castaldo44' sp5 - 1
703/28/1954Juventus - Bologna2 - 2Viola G.Cervellati13' fp0 - 1
803/28/1954Juventus - Bologna2 - 2Viola G.Cappello14' sp0 - 2
910/28/1956Juventus - Torino1 - 1Viola G.Arce7' fp0 - 1
1002/28/1960Juventus - Atalanta0 - 1VavassoriZavaglio8' sp0 - 1
1101/28/1962Juventus - Spal2 - 1Anzolin R.Cervato penalty26' sp2 - 1
1204/28/1963Juventus - Inter0 - 1Anzolin R.Mazzola A.27' fp0 - 1
1309/28/1969Juventus - Bologna1 - 1Anzolin R.Scala A.14' sp1 - 1
1411/28/1971Juventus - Napoli2 - 2CarmignaniAltafini17' fp0 - 1
1511/28/1971Juventus - Napoli2 - 2CarmignaniImprota penalty21' sp1 - 2
1610/28/1973Juventus - Lazio3 - 1ZoffChinaglia45' fp0 - 1
1703/28/1976Juventus - Torino0 - 2Sport Judge0 - 1
1803/28/1976Juventus - Torino0 - 2Sport Judge0 - 2
1901/28/1979Juventus - Lazio2 - 1ZoffGiordano14' sp1 - 1
2010/28/1984Juventus - Roma1 - 1TacconiGiannini30' fp1 - 1
2104/28/1985Juventus - Fiorentina1 - 2BodiniCecconi37' fp1 - 1
2204/28/1985Juventus - Fiorentina1 - 2BodiniPassarella32' sp1 - 2
2305/28/1989Juventus - Fiorentina1 - 1TacconiCucchi E.8' sp1 - 1
2410/28/1990Juventus - Inter4 - 2TacconiMatthäus34' fp2 - 1
2510/28/1990Juventus - Inter4 - 2TacconiKlinsmann35' sp4 - 2
Show Rows 1-25 of 38 Page 1 of 2