Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Goals Allowed
1C1Cat01/10/1915Genoa - Juventus4 - 0FaroppaDe Vecchi L. penalty6' fp1 - 0
2C1Cat01/10/1915Genoa - Juventus4 - 0FaroppaBenvenuto37' fp2 - 0
3C1Cat01/10/1915Genoa - Juventus4 - 0FaroppaSardi II7' sp3 - 0
4C1Cat01/10/1915Genoa - Juventus4 - 0FaroppaMagni15' sp4 - 0
5C1Cat01/17/1915Juventus - Casale4 - 2FaroppaParodi12' fp2 - 1
6C1Cat01/17/1915Juventus - Casale4 - 2FaroppaBertinotti44' fp3 - 2
7C1Cat03/07/1915Venezia - Juventus2 - 5FaroppaStorto10' fp1 - 0
8C1Cat03/07/1915Venezia - Juventus2 - 5FaroppaBigatto C. own goal36' sp2 - 5
9C1Cat03/21/1915Juventus - Genoa2 - 5FaroppaSantamaria A.40' fp1 - 1
10C1Cat03/21/1915Juventus - Genoa2 - 5FaroppaMariani19' sp1 - 2
11C1Cat03/21/1915Juventus - Genoa2 - 5FaroppaSantamaria A.33' sp1 - 3
12C1Cat03/21/1915Juventus - Genoa2 - 5FaroppaSantamaria A.35' sp1 - 4
13C1Cat03/21/1915Juventus - Genoa2 - 5FaroppaBerardo II43' sp2 - 5
14C1Cat03/28/1915Casale - Juventus2 - 0Sport Judge1 - 0
15C1Cat03/28/1915Casale - Juventus2 - 0Sport Judge2 - 0
Show Rows 1-15 of 15 Page 1 of 1
Overall 2012/13