Juventus Next Gen
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Summary table
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Goals Scored
Serie A
109/27/1981Juventus - Como3 - 1CabriniGiuliani18' fp1 - 0
209/27/1981Juventus - Como3 - 1Bettega R. penaltyGiuliani34' fp2 - 0
309/27/1981Juventus - Como3 - 1ScireaGiuliani40' sp3 - 1
401/17/1982Juventus - Catanzaro4 - 1GalderisiZaninelli2' fp1 - 0
501/17/1982Juventus - Catanzaro4 - 1GalderisiZaninelli21' fp2 - 0
601/17/1982Juventus - Catanzaro4 - 1Zaninelli own goalZaninelli37' fp3 - 0
701/17/1982Juventus - Catanzaro4 - 1BoniniZaninelli38' sp4 - 1
810/31/1982Avellino - Juventus1 - 1ScireaTacconi S.11' sp0 - 1
903/27/1983Torino - Juventus3 - 2Rossi P.Terraneo15' fp0 - 1
1003/27/1983Torino - Juventus3 - 2PlatiniTerraneo20' sp0 - 2
1110/09/1983Juventus - Milan2 - 1PlatiniNuciari5' fp1 - 0
1210/09/1983Juventus - Milan2 - 1Rossi P.Nuciari18' fp2 - 0
1311/27/1983Fiorentina - Juventus3 - 3BoniniGalli G.2' fp0 - 1
1411/27/1983Fiorentina - Juventus3 - 3PlatiniGalli G.27' fp1 - 2
1511/27/1983Fiorentina - Juventus3 - 3Contratto own goalGalli G.31' sp3 - 3
1602/19/1984Milan - Juventus0 - 3PlatiniPiotti13' fp0 - 1
1702/19/1984Milan - Juventus0 - 3Rossi P.Piotti20' sp0 - 2
1802/19/1984Milan - Juventus0 - 3VignolaPiotti39' sp0 - 3
1902/10/1985Juventus - Avellino2 - 1Platini penaltyParadisi35' fp1 - 0
2002/10/1985Juventus - Avellino2 - 1PlatiniParadisi37' sp2 - 1
2104/21/1985Ascoli - Juventus1 - 1TardelliCorti R.22' fp0 - 1
2211/10/1985Juventus - Roma3 - 1Mauro M.Tancredi10' fp1 - 0
2311/10/1985Juventus - Roma3 - 1LaudrupTancredi13' sp2 - 1
2411/10/1985Juventus - Roma3 - 1Serena A.Tancredi25' sp3 - 1
2503/09/1986Juventus - Napoli1 - 1BrioGarella4' sp1 - 1
Show Rows 1-25 of 34 Page 1 of 2