Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Goals Allowed
Italian Cup
110/15/1958Juventus - Bologna3 - 3VavassoriPivatelli25' fp0 - 1
210/15/1958Juventus - Bologna3 - 3VavassoriPerani44' fp0 - 2
310/15/1958Juventus - Bologna3 - 3VavassoriBonafin8' fet3 - 3
406/10/1964Juventus - Bologna4 - 1Anzolin R.Renna42' fp3 - 1
506/04/1967Bologna - Juventus1 - 1Anzolin R.Fogli45' sp1 - 1
604/08/1970Juventus - Bologna0 - 1TancrediPerani37' sp0 - 1
706/24/1973Juventus - Bologna4 - 3ZoffVieri R.24' fp1 - 1
806/24/1973Juventus - Bologna4 - 3ZoffNovellini40' fp1 - 2
906/24/1973Juventus - Bologna4 - 3ZoffSavoldi Giu.9' sp2 - 3
1001/13/1999Juventus - Bologna1 - 2RampullaBoselli29' sp1 - 1
1101/13/1999Juventus - Bologna1 - 2RampullaIngesson penalty50' sp1 - 2
1212/08/2011Juventus - Bologna2 - 1StorariRaggi51' sp1 - 1
Show Rows 1-12 of 12 Page 1 of 1