Juventus Next Gen
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2024/25 Search Players 2024/25
Goals Allowed
Italian Women's Cup
103/13/2019Milan - Juventus Women1 - 2GiulianiPedersen own goal2' fp1 - 0
211/22/2020Pink Bari - Juventus Women1 - 4BačićHelmvall2' sp1 - 3
301/13/2021Pomigliano - Juventus Women1 - 5TasselliPinna40' sp1 - 4
401/30/2021Empoli - Juventus Women4 - 5BačićGlionna37' fp1 - 0
501/30/2021Empoli - Juventus Women4 - 5BačićGlionna43' fp2 - 1
601/30/2021Empoli - Juventus Women4 - 5BačićGlionna3' sp3 - 1
701/30/2021Empoli - Juventus Women4 - 5BačićDompig29' sp4 - 2
803/13/2021Roma - Juventus Women2 - 1GiulianiSerturini2' fp1 - 0
903/13/2021Roma - Juventus Women2 - 1GiulianiThomas43' sp2 - 1
1011/21/2021Roma CF - Juventus Women1 - 8AprileBadawiya12' sp1 - 7
1112/19/2021Pink Bari - Juventus Women1 - 4AprileFedotova23' sp1 - 3
1201/30/2022Inter - Juventus Women1 - 1Peyraud-MagninNchout27' sp1 - 0
1303/12/2022Milan - Juventus Women1 - 6Peyraud-MagninThomas47' sp1 - 6
1401/05/2023Cittadella - Juventus Women1 - 3ForcinellaKoggouli44' fp1 - 2
1501/08/2023Brescia - Juventus Women1 - 4ForcinellaMerli L.12' sp1 - 1
1603/04/2023Inter - Juventus Women1 - 1Peyraud-MagninMerlo20' sp1 - 1
1703/03/2024Fiorentina - Juventus Women1 - 0AprileCatena20' sp1 - 0
1801/15/2025Lazio - Juventus Women1 - 3ProulxPiemonte5' sp1 - 1
1902/16/2025Fiorentina - Juventus Women2 - 3Peyraud-MagninBonfantini10' fp1 - 1
2002/16/2025Fiorentina - Juventus Women2 - 3Peyraud-MagninFærge13' fp2 - 1
Show Rows 1-20 of 20 Page 1 of 1