Juventus Next Gen
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2024/25 Search Players 2024/25
Goals Allowed
Serie A
110/02/2021Roma - Juventus Women1 - 2Peyraud-MagninDi Guglielmo28' fp1 - 0
210/30/2021Inter - Juventus Women1 - 2Peyraud-MagninNchout31' sp1 - 1
302/27/2022Empoli - Juventus Women2 - 1Peyraud-MagninMonterubbiano9' fp1 - 0
402/27/2022Empoli - Juventus Women2 - 1Peyraud-MagninPrugna15' fp2 - 0
504/24/2022Lazio - Juventus Women1 - 5AprileVisentin28' fp1 - 1
605/14/2022Milan - Juventus Women1 - 2AprileBoureille47' sp1 - 2
709/24/2022Sassuolo - Juventus Women1 - 1Peyraud-MagninPhiltjens18' sp1 - 1
810/22/2022Milan - Juventus Women4 - 3AprileAsllani24' fp1 - 0
910/22/2022Milan - Juventus Women4 - 3AprileAsllani25' fp2 - 0
1010/22/2022Milan - Juventus Women4 - 3AprilePiemonte32' fp3 - 1
1110/22/2022Milan - Juventus Women4 - 3AprileMesjasz17' sp4 - 1
1211/19/2022Parma - Juventus Women1 - 2AprileMartinovic19' fp1 - 0
1312/11/2022Roma - Juventus Women2 - 4Peyraud-MagninSerturini2' fp1 - 0
1412/11/2022Roma - Juventus Women2 - 4Peyraud-MagninAndressa4' sp2 - 2
1501/22/2023Pomigliano - Juventus Women1 - 2AprileFerrario26' fp1 - 0
1603/25/2023Inter - Juventus Women1 - 3Peyraud-MagninChawinga42' sp1 - 2
1704/22/2023Roma - Juventus Women3 - 2Peyraud-MagninAndressa16' fp1 - 1
1804/22/2023Roma - Juventus Women3 - 2Peyraud-MagninGiacinti15' sp2 - 2
1904/22/2023Roma - Juventus Women3 - 2Peyraud-MagninHaug41' sp3 - 2
2004/30/2023Milan - Juventus Women3 - 3Peyraud-MagninPiemonte6' sp1 - 2
2104/30/2023Milan - Juventus Women3 - 3Peyraud-MagninVigilucci8' sp2 - 2
2204/30/2023Milan - Juventus Women3 - 3Peyraud-MagninDompig21' sp3 - 3
2305/20/2023Fiorentina - Juventus Women4 - 2Peyraud-MagninJóhannsdóttir36' fp1 - 0
2405/20/2023Fiorentina - Juventus Women4 - 2Peyraud-MagninCatena2' sp2 - 2
2505/20/2023Fiorentina - Juventus Women4 - 2Peyraud-MagninJóhannsdóttir12' sp3 - 2
Show Rows 1-25 of 34 Page 1 of 2