Juventus Next Gen
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2024/25 Search Players 2024/25
Goals Scored
1SerAF09/30/2017Atalanta Mozzanica - Juventus Women0 - 3BonanseaThalmann6' fp0 - 1
2SerAF09/30/2017Atalanta Mozzanica - Juventus Women0 - 3GlionnaThalmann20' fp0 - 2
3SerAF09/30/2017Atalanta Mozzanica - Juventus Women0 - 3BonanseaThalmann42' sp0 - 3
4CIFe01/30/2019Tavagnacco - Juventus Women0 - 4AlukoBuhigas2' fp0 - 1
5CIFe01/30/2019Tavagnacco - Juventus Women0 - 4AlukoBuhigas8' fp0 - 2
6CIFe01/30/2019Tavagnacco - Juventus Women0 - 4BragonziBuhigas10' sp0 - 3
7CIFe01/30/2019Tavagnacco - Juventus Women0 - 4GirelliBuhigas12' sp0 - 4
8CIFe01/30/2021Empoli - Juventus Women4 - 5BoattinFedele41' fp1 - 1
9CIFe01/30/2021Empoli - Juventus Women4 - 5ZamanianFedele22' sp3 - 2
10CIFe01/30/2021Empoli - Juventus Women4 - 5StaškováFedele31' sp4 - 3
11CIFe01/30/2021Empoli - Juventus Women4 - 5GirelliFedele33' sp4 - 4
12CIFe01/30/2021Empoli - Juventus Women4 - 5SalvaiFedele42' sp4 - 5
13SerAF10/30/2021Inter - Juventus Women1 - 2BonanseaDurante26' sp0 - 1
14SerAF10/30/2021Inter - Juventus Women1 - 2StaškováDurante35' sp1 - 2
15CIFe01/30/2022Inter - Juventus Women1 - 1BoattinGilardi48' sp1 - 1
16SerAF04/30/2023Milan - Juventus Women3 - 3NyströmGiuliani1' fp0 - 1
17SerAF04/30/2023Milan - Juventus Women3 - 3LenziniGiuliani44' fp0 - 2
18SerAF04/30/2023Milan - Juventus Women3 - 3NyströmGiuliani19' sp2 - 3
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