Juventus Next Gen
Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Competitions Players Managers Presidents Teams Seasons Statistics Season 2024/25 Search Players 2024/25
Danilo da Silva
Matches played: Friendlies and Tournaments Overall
1ICC08/10/2019Atlético Madrid (SPA) - Juventus2 - 120 
26' sp
2Amic08/14/2019Juventus - Juventus B3 - 151     
3Amic08/17/2019Triestina - Juventus0 - 161 
17' sp
4Amic09/13/2020Juventus - Novara5 - 061 
17' sp
5Gamp08/08/2021Barcelona (SPA) - Juventus3 - 045 
1' sp
6Amic08/19/2021Juventus - Juventus U233 - 045 
1' sp
7SCT07/22/2022Juventus - Guadalajara (MES)2 - 045 
1' sp
8SCT07/26/2022Barcelona (SPA) - Juventus2 - 259 
15' sp
9SCT07/30/2022Real Madrid (SPA) - Juventus2 - 075 
31' sp
10Amic08/04/2022Juventus - Juventus U232 - 04
44' fp
1' sp
11Amic08/07/2022Juventus - Atlético Madrid (SPA)0 - 466
1' sp
22' sp
12Amic12/30/2022Juventus - Standard Liège (BEL)1 - 145
1' sp
13SCT07/27/2023Juventus - Milan2 - 245
1' sp
14SCT08/02/2023Juventus - Real Madrid (SPA)3 - 171
27' sp
15Amic08/12/2023Juventus - Atalanta0 - 072
28' sp
16Amic08/03/2024Juventus - Brest (FRA)2 - 229
17' sp
17' sp
17Amic08/06/2024Juventus - Juventus Next Gen4 - 044
15' sp
18Amic08/11/2024Atlético Madrid (SPA) - Juventus2 - 017
29' sp
29' sp
Show Rows 1-18 of 18 Page 1 of 1
Friendly matches
Danilo da Silva