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Juventus Women
Trophies Cabinet
Summary table
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Manuele Blasi
Matches played: Friendlies and Tournaments Overall
1Amic07/13/2004Alessandria - Juventus0 - 590     
2Amic07/21/2004Juventus - Genoa3 - 190     
3Amic07/24/2004Paris Saint-Germain (FRA) - Juventus0 - 190    Booked foul
4TIM07/27/2004Inter - Juventus1 - 045    Booked not regulation behaviour
5TIM07/27/2004Milan - Juventus2 - 021 
6BMor08/03/2004Palermo - Juventus0 - 045     
7Amic08/06/2004Cesena - Juventus1 - 245 
1' sp
  Booked foul
8Amic08/13/2004Livorno - Juventus1 - 190    Booked
9Amic08/21/2004Juventus - Juventus Berretti5 - 079 
35' sp
10Ber08/28/2004Milan - Juventus0 - 145 
1' sp
  Booked foul
11Amic07/14/2005Voghera - Juventus0 - 745 
1' sp
12Amic07/17/2005Pavia - Juventus1 - 590     
13TIM07/20/2005Juventus - Inter0 - 145     
14Amic07/23/2005Juventus - Standard Liège (BEL)1 - 045 
1' sp
15Amic07/27/2005Cesena - Juventus0 - 145 
1' sp
16Amic08/03/2005Politehnica Timișoara (ROM) - Juventus2 - 229 
17' sp
  Booked foul
17Amic08/06/2005Benfica Lisbona (POR) - Juventus0 - 246 
45' fp
18BMor08/12/2005Juventus - Inter2 - 019 
19BMor08/12/2005Napoli - Juventus1 - 145     
20Ber08/14/2005Milan - Juventus2 - 138 
8' sp
  Booked foul
21Amic08/17/2005Juventus - Juventus Primavera0 - 190     
22Gamp08/24/2005Barcelona (SPA) - Juventus2 - 245 
1' sp
23Amic03/22/2006Cirievauda - Juventus0 - 490     
24Amic07/18/2007Mezzocorona - Juventus0 - 545 
1' sp
25Amic07/22/2007Juventus - Chinese Olympic (CIN)4 - 045 
1' sp
Show Rows 1-25 of 26 Page 1 of 2
Friendly matches
Manuele Blasi